Dr. phil. Mattias Iser (Associate Professor of Philosophy)
Dr. phil. Mattias Iser  (Associate Professor of Philosophy)


Just published:



"Objectionable Objections. On Toleration, Respect, and Estem," Justification and Emancipation. The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst, ed. by Amy Allen and Edurdo Mendiet, University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press 2019, 58-75 (with a reply by Rainer Forst, 164-168)


"Recognition," The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon, ed. by Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press  2019, 387-389


"Axel Honneth," The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon, ed. by Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019, 570-572


Substantive revision of: "Recognition," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed by Edward N. Zalta http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/recognition/ (April 25, 2019)

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© Mattias Iser